Common Cold
Aconitum Napellus (Aconite): Used in the early stages of a cold when symptoms come on suddenly, especially after exposure to cold, dry winds. The person may experience a dry, burning, and stuffy nose with a sudden onset of fever and restlessness.
Allium Cepa: Used for a cold with profuse, watery nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils and upper lip. The eyes may also be watery and burning.
Arsenicum Album (Arsenicum): Used for a cold with a burning sensation in the nose, throat, and eyes. The person may feel chilly and anxious, and symptoms may worsen at night.
Euphrasia Officinalis (Euphrasia): Used for a cold with profuse, acrid tears and a bland nasal discharge. The eyes may be red, itchy, and sensitive to light.
Gelsemium: Used for a cold with a feeling of heaviness and weakness, especially in the muscles. The person may have a headache and feel drowsy and apathetic.
Nux Vomica: Used for a cold with stuffiness and congestion of the nose, especially in the morning. The person may be irritable, impatient, and sensitive to cold.
Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur): Used for a cold with a watery nasal discharge like egg white. The person may experience sneezing attacks and a loss of taste and smell.
Pulsatilla: Used for a cold with a thick, yellow-green nasal discharge that is worse in warm rooms. The person may feel better in cool, open air and seek consolation and sympathy.
Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus Tox): Used for a cold with a runny nose and a feeling of chilliness and restlessness. The person may feel worse when first moving and better with continued movement.
Sabadilla: Used for a cold with frequent and violent sneezing, especially with itching and tingling in the nose and throat.